Apparently this is the world's largest hotdog. To quote Homer Simpson, "'s pretty big. I guess."
Do you love awesome stuff? Would you like to judge that stuff professionally? Would you describe yourself as possessing "computer literacy" and a willingess to "travel a minimum of approximately 15-20 events per year—nationally and internationally to verify records, and arrange necessary agreements for our presence"?
If so, have I got the job for you! The Guinness Book of World Records publishing company is seeking a records manager for the book's gaming section. It requires the ability to answer 7,500 web inquiries a year, to brainstorm, and to have experience in "video gaming, Internet, social media, games and past times and consumer technology."
By "past times," I assume the listing means "activities which human beings use to pass the time," and not literal knowledge of the past.
I want someone I know to have this awesome job. Please apply for it, and once you get it, please hook me up with all kinds of free records.