"I find your inability to stand up disturbing."
Hey you!
You like pictures, don't you? Pictures of awesome imaginary space stuff? Then why don't you stroll over to Bullett for more pictures like the above shot from one man's unbelievable 140 square foot Hoth diorama?
Click through the above slideshow, and you’ll see he’s got built-in explosions, built-in laser fire, built-in smoke and enough action figures to populate a completely unnecessary remake of Small Soldiers. Squint at the pictures and, because the original film was made with models, it’s easy to pretend you’re looking at screenshots.
What kind of man would devote himself to such a creation? Big surprise: he’s a goofball. In a video released to his friends on the forums, Barry shows off his “dio,” spending less time on technical specifics than he does on nerdly jokes about being a pornstar. He’s geeking out in a totally safe space, refusing to even take the time to brag about the incredibly awesome thing he’d made. He built this for him, and you’re welcome to take a look at it.
The words are whatever. But the pictures, oh my. The pictures are divine.