I just saw an ad for that dismal-looking new Tyler Perry movie, Alex Cross, which is based on the James Patterson series that began with Kiss The Girls—a long ago Morgan Freeman vehicle. I misread the ad and thought that Kiss The Girls was coming out tomorrow, and mistook it not for a remake of a forgotten thriller but as a remake of the even-longer-forgotten '60s spy romp Kiss The Girls And Make Them Die.
I quickly realized that wasn't true, but thought—hey! This'll be an excuse to post the absolutely sublime trailer for Kiss The Girls and Make Them Die—before realizing my error. I would have had a perfect excuse to post said trailer if this were fifteen years ago, I had just invented blogging, and I'd invented YouTube to go with it. But instead, I'm going to post this trailer anyway—fifteen years late.
I'm sure that timeliness realizes this would be the appropriate moment to fuck off.
I hope you've enjoyed this trip inside the asinine hovel that is The Writer's Mind.